Nov 2, 2011

Pretty Bitches

I went through a phase when I was obsessed with makeup tutorials on Youtube. That is until I realized all those bitches are pretty!  Its not like they need the makeup to look good.  Yeah, they definitely know how to enhance their shit, but its not like they are performing miracles.  I want to see an ugly girl do a tutorial and come out looking like a supermodel.  How am I supposed to take makeup advice from someone with flawless skin, not a wrinkle in sight, and perfectly proportioned features?  I am now on a mission to look for an ugly troll who can teach me how to look like Angelina Jolie, Kim Kardashian, or Heidi Klum...then I’ll be impressed.  On the other hand, who wants to take beauty advice from an ugly troll???

I found this video quite interesting...This girl is HILARIOUS!  

Nov 1, 2011

Why do these remind me of myself?

Yep, me trying to bake.  Yes, I've set my kitchen on fire before.... just ask Bhav, my college roommate (story to come).


My new moto.

this is what I try telling myself everyday...